Tart, Charles – Professor. Articles, Chapters, Letters and Reviews*

*Some of these articles, as well as other materials, are available online at the URL www.paradigm-sys.com/cttart/

Frequency of dream recall and some personality measures.  Journal of Consulting Psychology, 26, 467-470.


Hypnotic depth and basal skin resistance.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1, 81-92.
Physiological correlates of psi cognition.  International Journal of Parapsychology, 5, 375-386.



A possible “psychic” dream, with some speculations on the nature of such dreams.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Re­search, 42, 283-298.

The influence of the experimental situation in hypnosis and dream research:  A case report.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 7, 163-170.

A comparison of suggested dreams occurring in hypnosis and sleep.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 12, 263-289.

Experimenter bias in hypnotist performance.  Science, 145, 1330-1331.  (Troffer, S., & Tart, C.)



The hypnotic dream:  Methodological problems and a review of the literature.  Psychological Bulletin, 63, 87-99.

Applications of instrumentation to the investigation of “haunt­ing” and “poltergeist” cases.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 59, 190-201.

Exploratory ESP matching tests with a “sensitive.”  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 59, 226-236.  (Roll, W. & Tart, C.)

Toward the experimental control of dreaming:  A review of the literature.  Psychological Bulletin, 64, 81-92.

An inexpensive masking noise generator:  Monaural or stereo.  Psychophysiology, 2, 170-172.



Models for explanation of extrasensory perception.  International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 2, 488-504.

Card guessing tests:  Learning paradigm or extinction paradigm.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 60, 46-55.

Some effects of posthypnotic suggestion on the process of dream­ing.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 14, 30-46.

Responsiveness to suggestions following waking and imagination instructions and following induction of hypnosis.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 71, 196-208.  (Hilgard, E., & Tart, C.)

ESPATESTER:  An automatic testing device for parapsychological research.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 60, 256-269.

Types of hypnotic dreams and their relation to hypnotic depth.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 71, 377-382.

Responsiveness to suggestions under “hypnosis” and “waking-imagi­nation” conditions:  A methodological observation.  Interna­tional Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 14, 247-256.  (Tart, C., & Hilgard, E.)

The Bridge Mountain community:  An evolving pattern for human growth.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 6, 53-67.  (Tart, C., & Creighton, J.)

Review of S. Smith, The enigma of out-of-the-body travel.  Theta, 13, 2-3.



Patterns of basal skin resistance during sleep.  Psychophysiolo­gy, 4, 35-39.

The control of nocturnal dreaming by means of posthypnotic sug­gestion.  International Journal of Parapsychology, 9, 184-189.

A second psychophysiological study of out-of-the-body experiences in a gifted subject.  International Journal of Parapsychology, 9, 251-258.

Psychedelic experiences associated with a novel hypnotic proce­dure, mutual hypnosis.  American Journal of Clinical Hypno­sis, 10, 65-78.

Random output selector for the laboratory.  Psychophysiology, 3, 430-434.

A further attempt to modify hypnotic susceptibility through re­peated individualized experience.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 15, 118-124.  (Cooper, L., Banford, S., Schubot, S., & Tart, C.)



A psychophysiological study of out-of-the-body experiences in a selected subject.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 62, 3-27.

Ethics and psychedelic drugs.  American Psychologist, 3, 455-456.

Hypnosis, psychedelics, and psi:  Conceptual models.  In R. Cavanna & M. Ullman (Eds.), Psi and Altered States of Con­sciousness.  New York:  Garrett Press, pp. 24-41.

Two token object studies with Peter Hurkos.  Jour­nal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 62, 143-157.  (Tart, C., & Smith, J.)

(Reprinting)  Toward an experimental control of dreaming:  A review of the literature.  In W. Webb (Ed.), Sleep:  An Experimental Approach.  New York:  Macmillan, pp. 131-144.



Altered States of Consciousness: A Book of Readings.  New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969 (Editor and Contributor).

Review of C. Green, Out-of-the-Body Experiences.  Theta, 25, 3-4.

The “high” dream:  A new state of consciousness.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Altered States of Consciousness:  A Book of Readings.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, pp. 169-174.

Approaches to the study of hypnotic dreams.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 28, 864.

The posthypnotic dream:  Nature of the effect and individual differences. Psychophysiology, 6, 268.

Influencing dream content:  Discussion of Witkin’s paper.  In M. Kramer (Ed.), Dream Psychology and the New Biology of Sleep.  Springfield, IL:  Charles C. Thomas, pp. 344-360.

Three studies of EEG alpha feedback.  Biofeedback Society Pro­ceedings, Part 3, 14-19.

A further psychophysiological study of out-of-the-body experienc­es in a gifted subject.  Proceedings of the Parapsychology Association., 6, 43-44.

(Reprinting)  Toward the experimental control of dreaming:  A review of the literature.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Altered States of Consciousness:  A Book of Readings.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, pp. 133-144.

(Reprinting)  The “high” dream:  A new state of consciousness.  In Journal of the American Society for Psychosomatic Den­tistry & Medicine, 16, 15-22.

(Reprinting)  Psychedelic experiences associated with a novel hypnotic procedure, mutual hypnosis.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Altered States of Consciousness:  A Book of Readings.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, pp. 291-308.



Self-report scales of hypnotic depth.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 18, 105-125.

Did I really fly?  Some methodological notes on the investigation of altered states of consciousness and psi phenomena.  In R. Cavanna (Ed.), Psi Favorable States of Consciousness:  Proceedings of an International Conference on Methodology in Psi Research  New York:  Parapsychology Foundation, pp. 3-10.

Conscious control of dreaming:  1. The posthypnotic dream.  Jour­nal of Abnormal Psychology, 76, 304-315.  (Tart, C., & Dick, L.)

Increases in hypnotizability resulting from a prolonged program for enhancing personal growth.  Journal of Abnormal Psychol­ogy, 75, 260-266.

Marijuana intoxication:  Reported effects on sleep.  Psychophy­siology, 7, 348.

Review of Celia Green’s Lucid Dreams and Out-of-the-Body Experi­ences.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 64, 219-227.

Transpersonal potentialities of deep hypnosis.  Journal of Trans­personal Psychology, 2, 27-40.

Waking from sleep at a preselected time.  Journal of the American Society for Psychosomatic Dentistry & Medicine., 17, 3-16.

Marijuana intoxication:  Common experiences.  Nature, 226, 701-704.



On Being Stoned: A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication.  Palo Alto, California: Science and Behavior Books, 1971.

Introduction.  In Monroe, R., Journeys Out of the Body.  New York:  Doubleday, pp. 1-17.

Work with marijuana:  II. Sensations.  Psychology Today, 4(12), May, 41-45 and 66-68.

Review of R. Ornstein & C. Naranjo.  The Psychology of Medita­tion.  The Last Whole Earth Catalog, 423.

Review of D. Cohen, Current Research on the Frequency of Dream Recall.  UCLA Brain Information Service Sleep Bulletin, 8, 82.

Review of R. Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body.  The Last Whole Earth Catalog, 1971, 415.

ESP and pot.  Psychic, 3(2), September/October, 26-30.

(Reprinting)  Marijuana intoxication:  Common experiences.  In R. Bruce (Ed.) The Pot Report.  New York:  Award Books.  Pp. 147-166.



Scientific foundations for the study of altered states of con­sciousness.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 3, 93-124.

A psychologist’s experience with transcendental meditation.  Jour­nal of Transpersonal Psychology, 3, 135-140.

Measuring the depth of an altered state of consciousness, with particular reference to self-report scales of hypnotic depth.  In E. Fromm & R. Shor (Eds.), Hypnosis:  Research Developments and Perspectives.  Chicago:  Aldine/Atherton, pp. 445-477.

Sleep EEG study of out-of-the-body experiences.  Psychophysiolo­gy, 9, 140.

Concerning the scientific study of the human aura.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 46, 1-21.

La ciencia y el alma humana (Science and the human soul).  Trib­una Medica, 9(425), 12.

States of consciousness and state-specific sciences.  Science, 176, 1203-1210.

Some studies of psychokinesis with a spinning silver coin.  Jour­nal of the Society for Psychical Research, 46, 143-153.  (Tart, C., Boisen, M., Lopez, V., & Maddock, R.)

The changing scientific attitude in psychology.  In C. Muses & A. Young (Eds.), Consciousness and Reality:  The Human Pivot Point.  New York:  Outerbridge & Lazard, pp. 73-88.

(Reprinting)  Marijuana intoxication:  Common experiences.  In E. Goode (Ed.), Marijuana.  New York:  Aldine/Atherton, 2nd edition.

(Reprinting)  Transpersonal potentialities of deep hypnosis.  In J. White (Ed.), The Highest State of Consciousness.  New York:  Doubleday, pp. 344-351.



States of consciousness.  In L. Bourne & B. Ekstrand (Eds.), Human Action:  An Introduction to Psychology.  New York:  Dryden Press, pp. 247-279.

Responses of comments on the proposal for state-specific scienc­es.  Science, 180, 1006-1007.

Marijuana intoxication:  Feasibility of experiential scaling of level.  Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 1, 15-21.  (Tart, C., & Kvetensky, E.)

Let’s pretend to be rational:  Review of Bloomquist’s Marijuana:  The Second Trip.  Contemporary Psychology, 18, 171-172.

Parapsychology.  Science, 182, 222.

Preliminary notes on the nature of psi processes.  In R. Ornstein (Ed.), The Psychology of Consciousness:  A Book of Readings.  San Francisco:  W. H. Freeman, pp. 468-492.

(Reprinting)  Marijuana intoxication:  Common experiences.  In R. Evans & R. Rozelle (Eds.), Social Psychology in Life, 2nd edition.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  In R. Ornstein (Ed.), The Nature of Human Conscious­ness.  San Francisco:  Freeman, pp. 41-60.



On the nature of altered states of consciousness, with special reference to parapsychological phenomena.  In W. Roll, R. Morris, & J. Morris (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology, 1973.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 163-218.

Some methodological problems in out-of-the-body experiences re­search.  In W. Roll, R. Morris, & J. Morris (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology, 1973.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 116-120.

Out-of-the-body experiences.  In E. Mitchell, & J. White (Eds.), Psychic Exploration.  New York:  Putnam’s, pp. 349-374.

Can psychology count past one hundred?  Contemporary Psychology, 19, 807-808.

The case of the yellow wheat field:  A dream-state explanation of a broadcast telepathic dream.  Psychoanalytic. Review, 61, 607-618.  (Tart, C., & Fadiman, J.)

(Reprinting)  Marijuana intoxication:  Common experiences.  In B. Ekstrand & L. Bourne (Eds.), Principles and Meanings of Psychology Readings.  New York:  Dryden Press, pp. 351-354.

(Reprinting)  Concerning the scientific study of the human aura.  In N. Regush (Ed.), The Human Aura.  New York:  Berkeley Pub., pp. 137-159.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  In B. Ekstrand & L. Bourne (Eds.), Principles and Meanings of Psychology: Readings.  New York:  Dryden Press, pp. 320-329.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  In Forum for Correspondence & Contact, 6, 6-14.



Transpersonal Psychologies.  New York: Harper & Row, 1975 (Editor and Contributor).

States of Consciousness.  New York: E. P. Dutton, 1975.

The Application of Learning Theory to ESP Performance.  New York: Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., 1975.

Symposium on Consciousness.  New York: Viking Press, 1975 (With Lee, P., Ornstein, R., Galin, D., & Deikman, A.).

Science, states of consciousness, and spiritual experiences:  The need for state-specific sciences.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Trans­personal Psychologies.  New York:  Harper & Row, pp. 11-58.

Some assumptions of orthodox, Western Psychology.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Transpersonal Psychologies.  New York:  Harper & Row, pp. 61-111.

The physical universe, the spiritual universe, and the paranor­mal.  In C. Tart (Ed.), Transpersonal Psychologies.  New York:  Harper & Row, pp. 115-151.

Comments on state-specific sciences.  Forum for Correspondence and Contact, 7, 15-17.  (Tart, C., & Harman, W.)

Samsara:  A psychological view.  In T. Tulku (Ed.), Reflections of Mind.  Emeryville, CA:  Dharma Press, pp. 53-68.

Studies of learning theory application, 1964-1974.  Parapsycholo­gy Review, 6, 21-28.

Review of I. Albert, & D. Boone, Dream Deprivation and Facilita­tion with Hypnosis.  Sleep Bulletin, 133, 17.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  Xerox Individual Publications.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  In International Journal of Altered States of Con­sciousness, 2, 87-105.



Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976.

Causality and synchronicity.  Forum for Correspondence and Con­tact, 8(1), 9-20.

The basic nature of altered states of consciousness:  A systems approach.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 8(1), 45-64.

ESP training.  Psychic, April, 12-15.  (Tart, C., & Neubert, R.)

Studying out-of-the-body experiences.  In T. X. Barber (Ed.), Advances in Altered States of Consciousness and Human Poten­tialities, Vol. 1.  New York:  Psychological Dimensions Press, pp. 579-585.

Random questions.  New Scientist, 70, May 6, 320.

A large-sample classroom ESP card-guessing experiment.  European Journal of Parapsychology, 1(3), 40-56.  (Palmer, J., Tart, C., & Redington, D.)

Preliminary experiments in group “remote viewing.”  Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, 64(10), 1550-1551.  (Whitson, T., Bogart, D., Palmer, J., & Tart, C.)

Reviews of Randi, the Amazing, The Magic of Uri Geller; of Pana­ti, C. The Geller Papers:  Scientific Observations on the Paranormal Powers of Uri Geller; and of Geller, U., Uri Geller:  My Story.  Psychology Today, 10(2), July, 93-94.

The case for mind/body dualism.  CoEvolution Quarterly, Fall, 68.

Reply to O’Brien.  Journal of Parapsychology, 40, 240-246.

Discrete states of consciousness, Chapter 6.  In P. Lee, R. Orn­stein, D. Galin, A. Deikman, and C. T. Tart (Eds.), Symposi­um on Consciousness: Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Febru­ary 1974, pp. 89-175.

(Reprinting)  Concerning the scientific study of the human aura.  In T. X. Barber et al. (Eds.), Advances in Altered States of Consciousness and Human Potentialities.  New York:  Psy­chological Dimensions Press, pp. 37-44.



Psi: Scientific Studies of the Psychic Realm.  New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977.

Toward humanistic experimentation in parapsychology:  A reply to Dr. Stanford’s review.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 81-102.

Improving real-time ESP by suppressing the future:  Trans-tempo­ral inhibition.  Proceedings of the IEEE Electro 77 Conven­tion, 1977.

Drug-induced states of consciousness.  In B. Wolman et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Parapsychology.  New York:  Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 500-525.

Putting the pieces together:  A conceptual framework for under­standing discrete states of consciousness.  In N. Zinberg (Ed.), Alternate States of Consciousness.  New York:  Free Press, pp. 158-219.

Beyond consensus reality:  Psychotherapy, altered states of con­sciousness, and the cultivation of awareness.  In O. L. McCabe (Ed.), Changing Human Behavior:  Current Therapies and Future Directions.  New York:  Grune & Stratton, pp. 173-187.

Toward conscious control of psi through immediate feedback train­ing:  Some considerations of internal processes.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 375-408.

Scoring patterns in an ESP Ganzfeld experiment.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 121-145.  (Palmer, J., Bogart, D., Jones, S. & Tart, C.)

Improving real time ESP by suppressing the future:  Trans-tempo­ral inhibition.  Electro/77 Special Session:  The State of the Art in Psychic Research, pp. 1-16.



Review of S. Dean, Psychiatry and Mysticism.  In Psychoanalytic Review, 65, 501-502.

Altered states of consciousness:  Putting the pieces together.  In A. Sugerman & R. Tarter (Eds.), Expanding Dimensions of Consciousness.  New York:  Springer/Verlag, pp. 58-78.

Psi functioning and altered states of consciousness:  A perspec­tive.  In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Psi and States of Awareness.  New York:  Parapsychology Foundation, pp. 180-210.

A survey on negative uses, government interest and funding of psi.  Psi News, 1(2), 3.

ESP research.  Science, 202, 1145.

Space, time, and mind.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsy­chology 1977.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 197-250.

Review of I. Silverman, The Human Subject in the Psychological Laboratory.  In Journal of the American Society for Psychi­cal Research, 72, 285-288.

Comments on the critical exchange between Drs. Stanford and Tart:  Dr. Tart’s reply to Dr. Gatlin.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 81-87.



Mind at Large: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception.  New York: Praeger, 1979 (Tart, C., Puthoff, H., & Targ, R., Editors and Contributors).

Effects of immediate feedback on ESP performance:  A second study.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Re­search, 73, 151-165.  (Tart, C., Palmer, J., & Redington, D.)

Randomicity, predictability, and mathematical inference strate­gies in ESP feedback experiments:  Discussion of Dr. Ga­tlin’s paper.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 73, 44-60.

Quick and convenient assessment of hypnotic depth:  Self-report scales.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 21, 186-207.

Improving real-time ESP by suppressing the future:  Trans-tempo­ral inhibition.  In C. Tart, H. Puthoff, & R. Targ (Eds.), Mind at Large:  Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception.  New York:  Praeger, pp. 137-174.

A survey of expert opinion on potentially negative uses of psi, United States government interest in psi, and the level of research funding of the field.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1978.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 54-55.

Could mathematical inference strategies have inflated scoring in the first feedback training study?  In W. Roll (Ed.), Re­search in Parapsychology 1978.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 128-129.

Effects of immediate feedback on ESP performance:  A second study and new analyses.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsy­chology 1978.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 145-146.  (Tart, C., Palmer, J., & Redington, D.)

An emergent-interactionist understanding of human consciousness.  In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Brain/Mind and Parapsycholo­gy.  New York: Parapsychology Foundation, pp. 177-200

Delayed PK with Matthew Manning:  Preliminary indications and failure to confirm.  European Journal of Parapsychology, 2, 396-407.  (Palmer, J., Tart, C., & Redington, D.)

Spiritual and transpersonal aspects of altered states of con­sciousness:  A symposium report.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 11(1), 59-74.  (Meadow, M., Ajaya, Swami, Breg­man, L., Clark, W., Greene, G., Krippner, S., Rambo, L., Ring, K., Tart, C., & Wilber, K.)

Effects of immediate feedback on ESP performance over short time periods.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 73, 291-301.  (Tart, C., Palmer, J., & Redington, D.)

From spontaneous event to lucidity:  A review of attempts to consciously control nocturnal dreaming.  In B. Wolman, M. Ullman, & W. Webb (Eds.), Handbook of Dreams:  Research, Theories and Applications.  New York:  Van Nostrand Rein­hold, pp. 226-268.

Science and the sources of value.  Phoenix:  New Directions in the Study of Man, 3, 25-29.

Symposium:  The spiritual and/versus the transpersonal.  Cat. Selected Documents in Psychology, 9, MS 1960.  (Meadow, M., Clark, W., Ajaya, Swami, Krippner, S., Green, G., Bregman, L., Ring, K., & Tart, C.)

Some psi experiments with Matthew Manning.  Journal of the Socie­ty for Psychical Research, 50, 224-228.  (Tart, C., & Palm­er, J.)

Untitled letter (on physiological correlates of psi).  European Journal of Parapsychology, 3, 11-112.

Dr. Tart’s random number generator:  A correction.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 73, 105-106.

(Reprinting)  Transpersonal experience:  Realities or neurophy­siological illusions?  Journal of Indian Psychology, 2, 93-113.

(Reprinting)  The systems approach to states of consciousness.  In D. Goleman & R. Davidson (Eds.), Consciousness:  Brain, States of Awareness and Mysticism.  New York:  Harper & Row, pp. 87-88.

(Reprinting)  The high dream.  In D. Goleman & E. Davidson (Eds.), Consciousness:  Brain, States of Awareness and Mysticism.  New York:  Harper & Row, pp. 169-170.



Dowsing.  New Scientist, 85, 17 January, 184-185.

Is the paranormal “normal”?  Science, 207, 712.

Tribute to Gardner Murphy.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 74, 109-110.

Information transmission in remote viewing experiments.  Nature, 284, 13 March, 191.  (Tart, C., Puthoff, H., & Targ, R.)

Are we interested in making ESP function strongly and reliably?  A reply to J. E. Kennedy.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 74, 210-222.

Transpersonal realities or neurophysiological illusions?  Toward an empirically testable dualism.  Forum for Correspondence and Contact, 11(1), 7-18.

A systems approach to altered states of consciousness.  In. J. Davidson & R. Davidson (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Con­sciousness.  New York:  Plenum, pp. 243-269.

Using altered states of consciousness to facilitate or study psi:  Some methodological suggestions.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1979.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 11-12.

Cultural roots of the communication problem.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1979.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 39-40.

Trying to profit from non-randomicity in ESP target sequences:  Initial exploration with the Probabilistic Predictor Pro­gram.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1979.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 86-88.  (Tart, C., & Dronek, E.)

Resolution in remote viewing studies:  Mini-targets. In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1979.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 120-122.  (Puthoff, H., Targ, R., & Tart, C.)

Investigation of target acquisition.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1979.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 122-124.  (Targ, R., Puthoff, H., Humphrey, B., & Tart, C.)

Charles T. Tart comments on Persi Diaconis’ reply (ZS #5) on “Statistical Problems in Psi Research”  Zetetic Scholar, 6, 128-130.

The possible nature of post-mortem states:  A discussion, Part II.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 74, 418-424.

Comments on Karnes et al.’s “Failure to replicate remote viewing using psychic subjects.”  Zetetic Scholar, 6, 85-86.

(Reprinting)  The systems approach to consciousness.  In R. Walsh & F. Vaughan (Eds.), Beyond Ego:  Transpersonal Dimensions in Psychology.  Los Angeles:  Tarcher, pp. 115-118.

(Reprinting)  States of consciousness and state-specific scienc­es.  In R. Walsh & F. Vaughan (Eds.), Beyond Ego:  Transper­sonal Dimensions in Psychology.  Los Angeles:  Tarcher, pp. 200-212.



Transpersonal realities or neurophysiological illusions?  Toward a dualistic theory of consciousness.  In R. Valle & R. von Eckartsberg (Eds.), The Metaphors of Consciousness.  New York:  Plenum, pp. 199-222.

Are prepared random sequences and real time random generators interchangeable?  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychol­ogy 1980.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 43-45, 152.

Remote viewing:  Examination of the Marks and Kamman cueing arti­fact hypothesis.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychol­ogy 1980.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 24-25.  (Tart, C., Puthoff, H., & Targ, R.)

The neglected sender:  Preliminary indications that multiple senders may enhance psi performance.  In W. Roll (Ed.), Research in Parapsychology 1980.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 107-109.  (Tart, C., Chambers, P., & Creel, M.)

Causality and synchronicity:  Steps toward clarification.  Jour­nal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 75, 121-141

Using feedback training to gain conscious control of psi.  Psi News, 4(4), 1-2.

ESP testing and training.  PPC Calculator Journal, 8(6), 62-63.  (Tart, C., & Puthoff, H.)

Un entendimiento interaccionista-emergente de la conscienca humana (1).  Psi Communicacion, 7, 5-27.  Translation of “An emergent-interactionist understanding of human conscious­ness.”



Letter to the editor on feedback training of psi.  Psi News, 5(1), 3.

ESP tester and trainer.  Hewlett-Packard Users Library, Program No. 01826C, Corvallis, OR.

The time barrier:  Precognition does not work as well as present time ESP.  In W. Roll, R. Morris, and R. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1981.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 10-12.

Two prominent parapsychologists comment on the above report.  Journal of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, 14(2).

Review of E. Kelly & R. Locke, Altered States of Consciousness and Psi:  A Historical Survey and Research Prospectus.  In Theta, 10(4), 85-86.

Extrasensory perception (ESP).  McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Sci­ence and Technology, fifth edition.  New York:  McGraw-Hill, pp. 282-283.

Mathematical inference strategies versus psi:  Initial explora­tions with the Probabilistic Predictor Program.  European Journal of Parapsychology, 4, 325-356.  (Tart, C., & Dronek, E.)

The controversy about psi:  Two psychological theories.  Journal of Parapsychology, 46, 313-320.



Forward.  In. D. S. Rogo, Leaving the Body.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall, pp. ix-x.

Initial integrations of some psychedelic understandings into everyday life.  In L. Grinspoon & J. Bakalar (Eds.), Psyche­delic Reflections.  New York:  Human Sciences Press, pp. 223-233.

Improving psychokinesis performance:  Theoretical and methodolog­ical notes.  European Journal of Parapsychology, 4, 475-481.

Letter to the editor on hypnosis.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 52, 87-88.

Parapsychology.  Dictionary of Psychology. Oxford:  Basil Black­well, pp. 444-445.

Altered states of consciousness.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, pp. 19-20.

Transpersonal psychology.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, pp. 645-646.

Lucid dreaming.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Black­well, p. 361.

Autogenic training.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, p. 48.

Out-of-the-body experiences.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, p. 440.

Psychical research.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, p. 496.

Aura.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, p. 47.

ESP.  Dictionary of Psychology.  Oxford:  Basil Blackwell, p. 211.

Lucid dreams:  Entering the inner world.  Part 1.  The Open Mind, 1(1), 1-4.

Time:  The mystery nobody notices.  The Open Mind, 1(1), 5-8.

Lucid dreams:  Entering the inner world.  Part 2.  The Open Mind, 2, 1-5.

Who has the truth?  Selecting a spiritual path.  The Open Mind, 2,  6-7.

Who’s afraid of psychic powers?  Me?  The Open Mind, 3, 1-5.

Real effort.  The Open Mind, 3, 5-7.

Identification.  The Open Mind, 4, 1-3.

Lucid dreams:  Entering the dream world.  Part 3.  The Open Mind, 4, 4-6.

Dream newsletter network.  The Open Mind, 4, 6.

Review of S. Schwartz, “The Alexandria Project.”  The Open Mind, 4, 7.

Learning to use psychokinesis:  Theoretical and methodological notes.  In W. Roll, J. Beloff, & R. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1982.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 97-99.

An inexpensive electronic clairvoyance tester/trainer for para­psychologists.  In W. Roll, J. Beloff, & R. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1982.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 170-173.

A randomicity test program for pseudo-RNG routines on the HP-41C.  In W. Roll, J. Beloff, & R. White (Eds.), Research in Para­psychology 1982.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 173-177.

Physiological correlates of psi reception.  In W. Roll, J. Bel­off, & R. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1982.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 221-223.

Information acquisition rates in forced-choice ESP experiments:  Precognition does not work as well as present-time ESP.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 77, 293-310.

Review of J. Mishlove, “Psi Development System.”  Psi Research, 3(1), 119-120.

Laboratory PK:  Frequency of manifestation and resemblance to precognition.  In W. Roll, J. Beloff, & R. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1982.  Metuchen, NJ:  Scarecrow Press, pp. 101-102.

(Reprinting)  Transpersonal realities or neurophysiological illu­sions:  Toward an empirically testable dualism.  In W. Gray, J. Fidler, & J. Battista (Eds.), General Systems Theory and the Psychological Sciences.  Seaside, CA:  Intersystems, pp. 303-318.



Terminology in lucid dream research.  Lucidity Letter, 3(1), 4-6.

Who’s afraid of psychic powers?  Me?  Part 2.  The Open Mind, 1(5), 1-5.

Identification.  Part 2.  The Open Mind, 1(5), 6-7.

Remote-viewing research 1973-1982.  Bibliography.  In R. Targ, & K. Harary (Eds.), The Mind Race:  Understanding and Using Psychic Ability.  New York:  Villard Books, pp. 265-269.  (Hansen, G., Schlitz, M., & Tart, C.)

What keeps us from being fully open?  Open Exchange, 10(4,5), 39.

Experience with the E-System “Piggybank” RAMdisk.  Morrow Owners Review, 1(2), 38-39.

Psychic functioning:  California casual style.  The Open Mind, 1(6), 1-4.

Remembering the light.  The Open Mind, 1(6), 5.

The darker side of psi?  The Open Mind, 1(6), 6-7.

Remote viewing for everybody:  A review of Russell Targ and Keith Harary, The Mind Race.  Psi Research, 3(2), 122-129.

Hypnosis:  An unusual state?  The Open Mind, 2(2), 1-5.

Subtle energies, healing energies.  Part 2.  The Open Mind, 2(2), 5-7.

Acknowledging and dealing with the fear of psi.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 78, 133-143.

On identification.  Institute of Noetic Sciences Newsletter, 12(3), 12-14.



Ki.  Part 1.  Newsletter of Aikido of Berkeley.  Feb.-Mar., 4.

Altered states of consciousness and the search for enlightenment.  The Open Mind, 2(4), 1-7.

Automatic formatting with Pilot.  Morrow Owners Review, 2(2), April, 38.

Subtle energies, healing energies.  Interfaces:  Linguistics, Psychology and Health Therapeutics, 12, 3-10.

The game of games:  Transcending our tribalism as a step toward world peace.  The Open Mind, 2(5), 1-6.

Through time and space:  USSR to USA remote viewing.  The Open Mind, 2(5), 7.

Three-brained beings.  The Open Mind, 2(6), 1-7.

Dreams and psi.  The Open Mind, 2(6), 7.

The game of games:  Transcending our tribalism as a step toward world peace.  Forum for Correspondence and Contact, 15(2), 72-77.

Cultivating compassion.  The Open Mind, 3(1), 1-11.

Ki. Part 2.  Newsletter of Aikido of Berkeley.  April-May.

Ki. Part 3.  Newsletter of Aikido of Berkeley.  Jul.-Aug., 14-15.

Pure clairvoyance and the necessity of feedback.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 79, 485-492.  (Targ, R. & Tart, C.)

What do we mean by “lucidity”?  Lucidity Letter, 4(2), 12-17.

What is mutual hypnosis and its benefits or risks?  American Society Clinical Hypnosis Newsletter, 26(4), 1.



Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential.  Boston: New Science Library, 1986.

Stopping on a hit:  Preliminary studies of a method for producing positive experiences in the parapsychology laboratory.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 80, 31-48.

Stopping on a hit.  In D. Wiener & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1985.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1986.  Pp. 49-50.

A preliminary survey of attitudes toward strongly functioning psi.  In D. Wiener & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1985.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1986.  Pp. 150-151.

Attitudes toward strongly functioning psi:  A preliminary study.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 80, 163-173.  (Tart, C. T. & LaBore, K.)

Desktop publishing with a Morrow.  Morrow Owners’ Review, 3(2), 7.

Psychics’ fears of psychic powers.  In D. Wiener & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1985.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1986.  Pp. 151-152.

Psychics’ fears of psychic powers.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 80, 279-292.

Who’s afraid of psychic powers?  Me?  American Society for Psy­chical Research Newsletter, 12(1), 3-5.

Consciousness, altered states, and worlds of experience.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 18, 159-170.

Effects of electrical shielding on GESP performance.  The Explor­er: Newsletter of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 3, No. 2, 7.

Geomagnetic effects in a GESP test are altered by electrical shielding.  The Explorer: Newsletter of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 3, No. 2, 7.



Aikido:  Harmony, self-defense, and subtle energies.  New Reali­ties, 7(4), 45-49.

Firewalk.  Parapsychology Review, 18(3), 1-5.

On consensus trance and waking up:  A conversation with Charles Tart.  Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychol­ogy, Spring 6, 10.

An intriguing result connected with beginning dream yoga prac­tice.  In R. Russo (Ed.), Dreams Are Wiser Than Men.  Berke­ley, CA:  North Atlantic Books, pp. 247-253.

The world simulation process in waking and dreaming:  A systems analysis of structure.  Journal of Mental Imagery, 11, 145-158.

Forward.  In J. Klimo, Channeling:  Investigations on Receiving Information From Paranormal Sources.  Los Angeles:  J. P. Tarcher, pp. xii-xvi.

Altered states of consciousness and the possibility of survival of death.  In J. Spong (Ed.), Consciousness and Survival:  An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into the Possibility of Life Beyond Biological Death.  Sausalito, CA:  Institute of Noetic Sciences, pp. 27-56.

“…And the mind’s true liberation.”  San Francisco Focus, June 65, 118-120.

Aikido and the concept of Ki.  Psychological Perspectives, 18, No. 2, 39-54.

Review.  P. Garfinkel, “In a Man’s World: Father, Son, Brother, Friend and Other Roles Men Play.”  In Noetic Sciences Bulle­tin, 1987, 2, No. 2, 6.

Review.  J. Needleman, “Sorcerers.”  In Noetic Sciences Bulletin, 1987, 2, No. 2, 6.

Review.  M. Sinetar, “Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics: Lifestyles for Self-Discovery.”  In Noetic Sciences Bulle­tin, 1987, 2, No. 2, 6.

Review.  P. Brunton, The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Vol. 1.  In Noetic Sciences Review, 1987, 1, No. 3, 26-27.

Review.  K. Kelzer, “The Sun and the Shadow:”  A New Classic on Lucid Dreaming.  Noetic Sciences Review, 1987, 1, No. 4, 15-18.

Effects of electrical shielding on GESP performance.  In D. Weiner & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1986.  Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press.  Pp. 53-54.

Geomagnetic effects in a GESP test are altered by electrical shielding.  In D. Weiner & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1986.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.  Pp. 90-92.

On the scientific study of other worlds.  In D. Weiner & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1986.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.  P. 145.

Psychological resistance in research on channeling: A discussion of the channeling panel.  In D. Weiner & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1986.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.  Pp. 159-160.

On the mental health of parapsychology and parapsychologists.  In D. Weiner & R. Nelson (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology 1986.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.  Pp. 164-165.

(Reprinting)  Charles T. Tart comments on Persi Diaconis’ reply on “Statistical Problems in Psi Research”  (originally published in Zetetic Scholar, 1980, No. 6, 128-131) in T. Kasahara (Ed.), Sai no Senjo (Japanese title: translation: The Battlefield of Psi).    Tokyo: Heibonsha.  Chapter 16.

(Reprinting)  The controversy about psi: two psychological theo­ries.  (Originally published Journal of Parapsychology, 1982, 46, 313-320) in T. Kasahara (Ed.), Sai no Senjo (Japanese title: translation: The Battlefield of Psi).  Tokyo: Heibonsha.

(Reprinting)  Firewalk.  New Realities, 1987, 8, No. 2, 22-27.



Growing wise hearts, bodies and minds.  Association for Humanis­tic Psychology Perspective.  May 1988, 5.

Effects of electrical shielding on GESP performance.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research,  82, 129-146.

Electrical shielding, ESP, and the Earth’s magnetic field.  In T. M. Srinivasan (Ed.), Energy Medicine Around the World.  Phoenix, Arizona: Gabriel Press.  Pp. 325-338.

Geomagnetic effects on GESP: Two studies.  Journal of the Ameri­can Society for Psychical Research, 82, 193-216.

Is searching for a soul inherently unscientific?  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, No. 4, 612-613.

Preface to Palmer, H., The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life.  San Francisco: Harper & Row.  Pp. ix-xv.

Meditation and consciousness: A dialogue between a meditation teacher and a psychologist.  Noetic Sciences Review, 1988, No. 8, 14-21.

Letter-to-the-editor (untitled) on Honorton’s precognition re­sults.  Journal of Parapsychology, 52, 370-371.

A discussion between Charles Tart and Lucidity Letter.  Lucidity Letter, 7, No. 2, 59-66.

From spontaneous event to lucidity:  A review of attempts to consciously control nocturnal dreaming.  In J. Gackenbach & S. LaBerge (Eds.), Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain: Perspec­tives on Lucid Dreaming.  New York: Plenum.  Pp. 67-103.



Open Mind, Discriminating Mind: Reflections on Human Possibili­ties.  San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.

Parapsychology: The science of spirituality.  In Schultz, T. (Ed.), The Fringes of Reason: A Whole Earth Catalog.  New York: Harmony Books.  P 67.

Turning inward: Progress in understanding meditation.  Review of M. A. West (Ed.), The Psychology of Meditation.  Contempo­rary Psychology, 34, 594-595.

Reviews of M. Murphy and S. Donovans’ The Physical and Psycholog­ical Effects of Meditation and M. West’s The Psychology of Meditation.  In Association for Humanistic Psychology Per­spective, June 1989, 17-18.

Hidden shackles:  Implicit assumptions that limit freedom of action and inquiry.  In Zollschan, G., Schumaker, J. & Walsh, G. (Eds.), Exploring the Paranormal:  Perspectives on Belief and Experience.  Bridport, Dorset England: Prism Press.  Pp. 3-24.

Enlightenment, altered states of consciousness and parapsycholo­gy.  In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Parapsychology and Human Nature.  New York: Parapsychology Foundation.  Pp. 150-169.

A case of predictive psi, with comments on analytical, associative and theoretical overlay.  Journal of the Society for Psychi­cal Research, 55, 263-270.

The western creed.  Critique: Exposing Consensus Reality.  No. 32, pp. 87-88.

Extending mindfulness to everyday life.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 30, 81-106.

Introduction.  J. Gackenbach & J. Bosveld, Control Your Dreams.  New York: HarperCollins.  Pp. vii-xii.

(Reprinting)  A psychologist endorses the “system.”  Excerpt from Preface to Palmer, 1988.  In New Realities, 9, No. 3, 56.



Review of Mindfulness, by Ellen Langer.  Noetic Sciences Review, Spring, No. 14, 41-42.

Psi-mediated emergent interactionism and the nature of conscious­ness.  In R. Kunzendorf & A. Sheikh (Eds.), The Psychophy­siology of Mental Imagery:  Theory, Research and Applica­tion.  Amityville, New York: Baywood, 1990.  Pp. 37-63.

Mindlessness and mindfulness in daytime and nighttime dreaming.  Lucidity Letter, 9, No. 1, 49-81.

Adapting Eastern spiritual teachings to Western culture: A dis­cussion with Shinzen Young.  Journal of Transpersonal Psy­chology, 22, 149-165.

Review of Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience, by Harvey Irwin.  Journal of Parapsycholo­gy, 53, 358-360.

Review of Five Classic Meditations, by Shinzen Young.  Noetic Sciences Review, Summer 1990, No. 15, 40.

Review of P. Brunton, The Notebooks of Paul Brunton: Volume 11.  The Sensitives:  Dynamics and Danger of Mysticism.  In Noetic Sciences Review, Autumn, 1990, No. 16, 1990, 38-39.

Review of A. Sole’-Leris, Tranquility and Insight:  An Introduc­tion to the Oldest Form of Buddhist Meditation.  In Noetic Sciences Review, Autumn, 1990, No. 16, 40-41.

(Reprinting)  Conscious prayer.  New Realities, 10, No. 5, 31, 48-49.  From Open Mind, Discriminating Mind: Reflections on Human Possibilities.  San Francisco: Harper & Row, 182-189.

(Reprinting)  Who survives?  Implications of modern consciousness research.  In G. Doore (Ed.), What Survives?  Contemporary Explorations of Life After Death.  Los Angeles: Tarcher.  Pp. 138-151.  Shortened version of Altered states of con­sciousness and the possibility of survival of death.  In J. Spong (Ed.), Consciousness and Survival:  An Interdiscipli­nary Inquiry into the Possibility of Life Beyond Biological Death.  Sausalito, CA:  Institute of Noetic Sciences, pp. 27-56.

(translation) A mente aberta.  Thot, No. 54, 4-10.  (Sao Paulo).



On “Deception by subjects in psi research.”  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 85, 90-91. (letter-to-the-editor)

Multiple personality, altered states and virtual reality: The world simulation process approach.  Dissociation, 3, 222-233.

An experiment in state-specific science.  Institute of Noetic Sciences Bulletin, 6, No. 2, 3.

Mindfulness, spiritual seeking and psychotherapy.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 23, 29-52.  (Tart, C. & Deikman, A.)

East/West dialogue: The importance of attitude.  Mindstream: A Journal of Contemplative Depth Psychotherapy in Practice, 1, No. 1, 3-5.

Influences of previous psychedelic drug experiences on students of Tibetan Buddhism:  A preliminary exploration.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 23, No. 2, 139-173.

On the uses of computer-generated realities: A response to Begel­man.  Dissociation: Progress in the Dissociative Disorders, 4, No. 4, 216-217.



Perspectives on scientism, religion, and philosophy provided by parapsychology.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 32, No. 2, 70-100.

Review of A. Hastings, With the Tongues of Men and Angels.  In Whole Earth Review, 1992, No. 75, 32-33.

Review of A. Deikman, The Wrong Way Home.  In Whole Earth Review, 1992, No. 75, 33.

Self-Observation.  In J. Mishlove (Ed.), Thinking Allowed:  Con­versations on the Leading Edge of Knowledge.  Tulsa, Oklaho­ma: Council Oak Books.  Pp. 225-234.

Review of Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.  In Noetic Sciences Review, Winter 1992, No. 24, 42-43.

La dynamique du sommeil éveillé.  In B. De Panafieu (Ed.), Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: Textes Recueillis.  Paris:  L’Age D’Homme, 1992.  Pp. 242-251.



Drugs and the path.  Gnosis, Number 26, Winter 1993, 23.

Marijuana intoxication, psi, and spiritual experiences.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 87, 149-170.

Getting beyond observer bias.  Noetic Sciences Review, No. 26, Summer 1993, 7-8.

Mind embodied: Computer-generated virtual reality as a new, dual­istic-interactive model for transpersonal psychology.  In K. Rao (Editor), Cultivating Consciousness: Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness and Healing.  Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1993.  Pp. 123-137.

Letter to the editor on fear of psychic abilities.  Subtle Ener­gies, 2, No. 3, 90-91.

The systems approach to consciousness.  (Excerpts from States of Consciousness.  New York: E. P. Dutton, 1975).  In R. Walsh & F. Vaughan (Eds.), Paths Beyond Ego.  Los Angeles: Tarch­er, 1993, pp. 34-37.

Reflections on 25 years and 25 chapters.  In B. Kane, J. Millay & D. Brown (Eds.), Silver Threads: 25 Years of Parapsychology Research.  Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1993.  Pp. 305-307.

An introduction to the spiritual/transpersonal path for the scientifically “handicapped.”  ReVision, 15, No. 4, 153-161.

Introduction to J. McMoneagle, Mind Trek: Exploring Conscious­ness, Time and Space through Remote Viewing.  Norfolk, Virginia: Hampton Roads.  Pp. 9-13.

(Reprinting)  Acknowledging and dealing with the fear of psi.  Originally published in Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 78, 133-143, 1984.  In Kasahara, T. Ed.), The Elusiveness Problem of Psi.  Tokyo: Shunjusha.  (pagination in Japanese)

(Reprinting)  Attitudes toward strongly functioning psi:  A pre­liminary study.  Originally published in Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 80, 163-173.  (Tart, C. T. & LaBore, K.).  In (Editors name in Japanese) The Elusiveness Problem of Psi, (Place and name of publisher and pagination in Japanese).



Living the Mindful Life.  Boston: Shambhala, 1994.

The human mind: Survival after death.  In L. Bessette (Ed.), Le Processes de Guerison: Par dela la Souffrance ou la Mort (Healing: Beyond Suffering or Death).  Montreal, Quebec: Publications MNH.  Pp. 305-316.

The structure and dynamics of waking sleep.  Journal of Transper­sonal Psychology, 25, No. 2, 141-168.

Compassion, science and consciousness survival.  Noetic Sciences Review, No. 29, Spring 1994, pp. 9-15.

Comments on experiences with God.  In J. Robinson (Ed.), Bridges to Heaven: How Well-Known Seekers Define and Deepen Their Connection With God.  Walpole, New Hampshire: Stillpoint Publishing.  Pp. 52, 62, 77-78, 93, 105, 126, 139, 150-151, 172-173, 191.

Fears of the paranormal in ourselves and our colleagues: Recog­nizing them, dealing with them.  Subtle Energies, 5, No. 1, 35-67.



Introduction to Vaughan, F., The Inward Arc: Healing in Psycho­therapy and Spirituality.  Nevada City, California: Blue Dolphin Publishing Company.  Pp. ix-xi.

Buddhism and Western culture: Fringe cult or major impact?  Jour­nal of East-West Psychology, 1, No. 1, 43-46.

Altered states of consciousness and psi phenomena.  American Society for Psychical Research Newslet­ter, 20, No. 1, 1-5.

Eulogy for Robert Monroe (1915-1995).  Bridges: Magazine of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, 6, No. 1, Spring 1995, 6-7.

Parapsychology and spirituality: Introduction.  ReVision, 18, No. 1, Summer, 2.

World parliament of superstition?  Scientific evidence for a basic reality to the spiritual.  ReVision, 18, No. 1, Sum­mer, 3-10.

Toward the objective exploration of non-ordinary reality.  Jour­nal of Transpersonal Psychology, 27, No. 1, 57-67.

Yes, we are zombies, but we can become conscious.  Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2, No. 4, 361-365.

(reprinting) Observations of a meditation practice.  In Vardey, L. (Ed.), God in All Worlds: An Anthology of Contemporary Spiritual Writing.  New York: Pantheon.  Pp. 167-177.

(reprinting)  Sleep (selection from Introduction, Waking Up). In Vardey, L. (Ed.), God in All Worlds: An Anthology of Contem­porary Spiritual Writing.  New York: Pantheon.  Pp. 279-280.

(reprinting)  Enlightenment (selection from Waking Up).  In Var­dey, L. (Ed.), God in All Worlds: An Anthology of Contempo­rary Spiritual Writing.  New York: Pantheon.  Pp. 626-628.

(reprinting)  A Transpersonal Creed (from Open Mind, Discriminat­ing Mind).  In Vardey, L. (Ed.), God in All Worlds: An Anthology of Contemporary Spiritual Writing.  New York: Pantheon.  Pp. 710-711.



Science, compassion and the possible survival of death.  In S. Boorstein (Ed.), Transpersonal Psychotherapy (second ed).  Albany: State University of New York Press.  Pp. 531-544.

The dynamics of waking sleep.  In J. Needleman & G. Baker (Eds.), Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teachings.  New York: Continuum Publishing.  Pp. 116-126.

Parapsychology and transpersonal psychology.  In B. Scotton, A. Chinen & J. Battista (Eds.), Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology.  New York: Basic Books.  Pp. 186-194.

Transpersonale Psychologie: Definitionen, Beschreibungen und Konzepte.  Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 2, 4-22.  (Waldmann, M., Lannert, J., Tart, C., Vaughan, F. & Walsh, R.)

Reflections on on-line teaching: My first course.  PA (Parapsychological Association) News, 1996, No. 1/Spring & Summer, 11-12.

Thoughtless consciousness.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  March 15, 1996.

Altered states are not inherently pathological.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  August 28, 1996.

OBEs, reality or lack of it.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  December 10, 1996.

Individual differences in experience of ‘self’.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  December 21, 1996.

Cosmic contact from the perspective of enlightenment.  In S. Jones (Ed.), When Cosmic Cultures Meet: An International Forum Held in Washington, D.C. May 27-29, 1995.  Falls Church, Virginia: Human Potential Foundation, 1996.  Pp. 116-129.



Body Mind and Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality.   Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads, 1997. (Editor and Contributor).

Infinite Regress in Experience of Observing Self?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  January 4, 1997.

Who’s afraid of the big bad G(od)-word? .  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  January 21, 1997.

Science versus opinion re the paranormal.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  February 16, 1997.

Distorted criticisms of statistics and psi.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  February 24, 1997.

Illusions of consciousness.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  February 28, 1997

Brief bibliography on parapsychology.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  March 2, 1997.

Letter to the editor on “The Gurdjieff Enigma.”  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 61, No. 846, 349-351.

Review: Jacob Needleman’s A Little Book on Love.  In Noetic Sciences Review, Spring 1997, 45-46.

Review: Anita Gentry’s Night Summons.  In Noetic Sciences Bulletin, Spring 1997, 7.

Science, shamans, ASCs, etc. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  June 26, 1997.

Definition of transpersonal psychology. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 16, 1997.

Attachment, non-attachment and science. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  August 9, 1997.

Parapsychology as calling and science.  Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 91, 77-81.



Cosmic consciousness experience and psychedelic experiences: A first person comparison.  Journal of Consciousness Studies, 5, No. 1, 97-107.  (Smith, A. & Tart, C.)

Transpersonal fact versus theory. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  March 4, 1998.

How long should the clinician’s time perspective be?  Scientific reflections on the possible survival of death.  Mansfield, Connecticut:  National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, The Psychology of Consciousness, Energy Medicine and Dynamic Change.  Volume 1, pp. 267-278.

Beyond ego: Transpersonal dimensions in psychology.  In D. Lorimer (Ed.), The Spirit of Science: From Experiment to Experience.  Edinburgh: Floris Press.  Pp. 237-257.

Religion and the frontiers of science.  In E. J. Rosen (Ed), Experiencing the Soul: Before Birth, During Life, After Death.  Carlsbad, California: Hay House.  Pp. 229-235.

Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms:  A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences. Ciencia e Cultura, Journal of the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science50, 2/3, 103-116.

The Buddysattva promise.  International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 17, No. 1, 89-95.

Transpersonal psychology and methodologies for a comprehensive science of consciousness.  In S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak & A. Scott (Eds.), Toward A Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.  Pp. 669-675.

Altered states of consciousness: A thirty-year perspective.  Part 1.  Psychological Hypnosis, 7, No. 3, 8-13, 24.

Six studies of out-of-the-body experiences.  Journal of Near-Death Studies, 17, No. 2, 73-99.

Mindfulness practice for the whole spectrum of life.  In H. Palmer (Ed.), Inner Knowing: Consciousness, Creativity, Insight and Intuition.  New York: Tarcher/Putnam.  Pp. 209-214.



State of the art in transpersonal psychology.  In Lee, C. (Ed.), The Transpersonal Research.  Mountain View, CA: Sino-American Institute.  Pp. 155-162 (Chinese language)

ASCs and self-experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  April 22, 1999.

ASCs. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  April 27, 1999.

Meditative states. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  April 29, 1999.

Altered states of consciousness: A thirty-year perspective.  Part 2.  Psychological Hypnosis, 8, No. 1, 9-14.

The Archives of Scientists’ Transcendent Experiences. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 7, 1999.

Moving psychology toward the 21st century: Review of J. B. Arden, Science, Theology and Consciousness: The Search for Unity.  In Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 44, No. 4, 275-276.

Science, scientism and the near-death experience.  The Christian Parapsychologist, 13, No. 7, 204-207.

Introduction: What TASTE is about.  Network: Scientific and Medical Network.  No. 70, August 1999, 26-28.

Observation of mental processes. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  November 1, 1999.

Forward.  In Bennett, J. G., A Spiritual Psychology.  Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bennett Books, 1-3.

Forward to Ring, K. & Cooper, S., Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind.  Palo Alto, California: William James Center for Consciousness Studies and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.    Pp. xiii-xvii.

(reprinting)  On the scientific study of non-physical worlds.  (selection from Body Mind Spirit)  In D. Lorimer, C. Clarke, J. Cosh, M. Payne & A. Mayne (Eds.), Wider Horizons: Explorations in Science, and Human Experience.  Gibliston Mill, Colinsburgh, Level, Fife, Scotland: The Scientific and Medical Network.  Pp. 221-228.



Fear of psychic phenomena.  In E. Leskowitz (Ed.), Transpersonal Hypnosis: Gateway to Body, Mind and Spirit.  Boca Raton: CRC Press.  Pp. 1-12.

“Real scientists” and transcendent experiences.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  January 27, 2000.

Opportunity to learn meditation at T2000. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  February 15, 2000.

Vipassana and enlightenment. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  April 16, 2000.

Review of Walsh, R., Essential Spirituality: The Seven Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind.  In Inquiring Mind, 16, 2, Spring 2000, 32-33.

Scientists’ experiences.  AHP Perspective, April/May 2000, 6.  (letter-to-the-editor).

The Archives of Scientists’ Transcendent Experiences (TASTE).  Bulletin of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, 10, No. 1, 9.

Can science seek the soul?  In R. Kuhn (Ed.), Closer to Truth: Challenging Current Belief.  New York: McGraw-Hill.  Pp. 51-64.  (Brown, W., Kuhn, R., Radin, D., Searle, J., Tart, C. & Wolf, F.)

What is parapsychology?  In R. Kuhn (Ed.), Closer to Truth: Challenging Current Belief.  New York: McGraw-Hill.  Pp. 65-80.  (Beyerstein, B., Kuhn, R., Radin, D., Schlitz, M., Tart, C. & Trefil, J.)

Can ESP affect your life?  In R. Kuhn (Ed.), Closer to Truth: Challenging Current Belief.  New York: McGraw-Hill.  Pp. 81-94.  (Beyerstein, B., Kuhn, R., Schlitz, M., Tart, C. & Trefil, J.)

Prelude to Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms:  A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences.  International Journal of Parapsychology, 11, No. 1, 3-5.

Initial results collecting transcendent experiences of scientists.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  December 5, 2000.

Helping to create transpersonal psychology:  Thirty-five-plus years of dynamic interplay between more and less, expansion and fooling ourselves.  Transpersonal Psychology Review, 4, No. 4, 6-25.

Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms: State-specific sciences.  In M. Velmans (Ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. Pp. 255-278.

(reprinting) Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms:  A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences.  International Journal of Parapsychology, 11, No. 1, 7-41.



Mind Science: Meditation Training for Practical People.  Novato, California: Wisdom Editions, 2001

Human aura: More complex than we think.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  January 10, 2001.

Mind science: Meditation training for practical people.  Enneagram Monthly, March 2001, No. 70, 6-7.

Virtual reality as a model/theory of consciousness.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  Mon, 26 Mar 2001.

Out-of-body experiences.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  May 10, 2001.

Replication of paranormal phenomena.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor. June 26, 2001.

Psi, not psy, and replication in parapsychology.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 4, 2001.

Psi: THE FACTS.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 6, 2001.

Miscellaneous aspects of psi. Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 6, 2001.

Does psi need to be theoretically predicted before we can look?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 10, 2001.

Factual clarifications about psi.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  July 20, 2001.

I’m not crazy, they are coming around with guns!  The Psychotherapy Patient, 11, No. 3-4, 181-185.

I’m not crazy, they are coming around with guns!  In R. Marchesani & E. Stern (Eds.), Frightful Stages: From the Primitive to the Therapeutic.  New York: Haworth Press.  Pp. 181-186.

Psychoactive sacramentals: What must be said.  In Roberts, T. (Ed.) (2001), Psychoactive Sacramentals:  Essays on Entheogens and Religion.  San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices.  Pp. 47-56.  Republished 2012, Rochester VT: Park Street Press.  57-70.

“Objective” experimentation with psi phenomena.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  August 17, 2001.

Altered states knowledge: insights or fantasies?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  October 25, 2001.

Enlightenment and endarkenment.  In D. Lorimer (Ed.), Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness.  Edinburgh: Floris Books.  Pp. 125-149.



Parapsychology & transpersonal psychology: “Anomalies” to be explained away or spirit to manifest?  Journal of Parapsychology, 66, No. 1, 31-47.

An emergent interactionist understanding of human consciousness.  The Journal of Psychospiritual Transformation, 1, January 2002, no pagination, URL http://psychospiritualresearchinstitute.com/journalofpsychospiritualtransformation.htm.  Reprinting of An emergent-interactionist understanding of human consciousness.  In B. Shapin & L. Coly (Eds.), Brain/Mind and Parapsycholo­gy.  New York: Parapsychology Foundation, pp. 177-200.

Defining consciousness.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   April 9, 2002.

The importance of defining consciousness – and not getting attached.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   April 26, 2002.

(reprinting)  Thoughts on science and spirituality.  Dreamtime: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 18, No. 1, Winter 2001.  6-7.  Excerpt from Body, Mind and Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality.  Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads, 1997. (Editor and Contributor).

Psychedelics on the path: Help or hindrance?  In Badiner, A. & Grey, A. (Eds.), Zig Zag Zen.  San Francisco: Chronicle Books.  Pp. 167-173.

Review: Jacob Needleman’s The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders.  Parabola, 27, No. 1, 90.

(reprinting) Self-report scales of hypnotic depth.  Japanese Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2003, 4, 68-80.



Spiritual motivations of parapsychologists?  Empirical data.  Journal of Parapsychology, 67, 181-184.

Enlightenment and spiritual growth: Reflections from the bottom up.  Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 14, No. 1, 19-59.




Foreword.  In Saltmarsh, H. F. (2004), The Future and Beyond: Evidence for Precognition and the Survival of Death.  Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads.  Pp. vii-xvi.

Credit for coining terms.  Letter to the editor in Journal of Near-Death Studies, 22, No. 4, 284-285.

Dimensions of spiritual growth and enlightenment: Some views from the ground up.  Energy Psychology and the Spiritual Connection, Proceedings Manual.

Postmortem survival of consciousness: Reviewing the evidence.  Energy Psychology and the Spiritual Connection, Proceedings Manual.

Stoned Research.  New Scientist, Letters, 11 December 2004, 26.

Forward to Young, S. Break Through Pain.  Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True.  Pp. ix-xi.

On the scientific foundations of Transpersonal Psychology: Contributions from Parapsychology.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 36, No. 1, 66-90.




Tucson, 10 years on.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   January 18, 2005.

Knowing when you are dreaming.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   May 10, 2005.

Six principles for deciding what state you are in.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   May 12, 2005.

Occam’s Razor: Cosmic principle or simple preference?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   May 12, 2005.

Ockham’s Razor: Cosmic principle or simple preference?  (Part 2) Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   May 24, 2005.

Projecting our own experiences into our theories of consciousness?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.  June 1, 2005.

Future psychology as a science of mind and spirit: Reflections on receiving the Abraham Maslow award.  Humanistic Psychologist, 33, No. 2, 131-143.

Out-of-body experiences.  Discover, Letters-to-the-Editor, 26, No. 9, 6.

Toward the objective exploration of non-ordinary reality.  Transpersonal Psychology Review, Special Edition, Winter 2005, 103-110.



Current status of transpersonal psychology.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   March 23, 2006.

Transpersonal psychology: Transcendent experiences and evolution.   Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   March 27, 2006.

Current status of Transpersonal Psychology.  Journal of Consciousness Studies, 13, No. 4, 83-87.

Review of D. Aldridge & J. Fachner (Eds.), Music and altered states:  Consciousness, transcendence, therapy and addictions.  In The Christian Parapsychologist, 2006, 17, No. 2, 57-58.

Observations on the perpetual music track.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   September 3, 2006.




Letter to the editor on the Decline Effect.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 2007, 71.2, Number 887, 114-117.

Letter to the editor on the What is an OBE?  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 2007, 71.3, Number 888, 192-193.

Forward to R. Russell, The Journey of Robert Monroe: From Out-of-Body Explorer to Consciousness Pioneer.  Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads.  Pp. ix-xvii.

What death tells us about life.  Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness.  2007, No. 17, 30-35.

Commentary on “Does paranormal perception occur in near-death experiences?”  Journal of Near-Death Studies, 25, No. 4, 251-256.




Altered states of  consciousness and the spiritual traditions: The proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences.  In Rao, K. R., Paranjpe, A. C. & Dalal, A. K. (Eds.) (2008).  Handbook of Indian Psychology.   New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd.  Pp. 577-607.

Out-of-Body Experiences.   Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   June 30, 2008.

Aspects of Out-of-Body Experiences.  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   July 3, 2008.

Aspects of Out-of-Body-Experiences  (OBEs).  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   July 7, 2008.

OBEs and NDEs: How Broad a Definition?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor.   July 10, 2008.

Consciousness: A psychological, transpersonal and parapsychological approach.  In Simon, T. (Ed.), Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality.  Boulder, CO: Sounds True.  Pp. 313-326.

OBEs and NDEs – More Productive Studies?  Journal of Consciousness Studies Online, Letters-to-the-Editor. September 27, 2008.

(reprinting)  Causality and synchronicity: Steps toward clarification.  In L. Storm (Ed.) Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence.  Grosetto, Italy: Pari Publishing.  Pp. 109-126.

Accessing state-specific transpersonal knowledge: Inducing altered states.  Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 40, No. 2, 137-154.

Hypnotic suggestion as a technique for the control of dreaming.  Activitas Nervosa Superior, 51, 2, 77-82.



The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together.  Oakland, California: New Harbinger, 2009.

Review:  Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot.  Journal of Scientific Exploration, 23, No. 4, 550-554.



Reflections on the experimenter problem in parapsychology.  Journal of Parapsychology, 74, No. 1, 3-13.

Toward evidence-based spirituality.  Journal of Parapsychology, 74, No. 1, 31-60.

A lost key to amplifying or inhibiting telepathic functioning through special electrical shielding?   ISSSEEM Research Proceedings, 2010, p 20.

Fifty-Five years in parapsychology: frustrations, advances, directions, meaning, and an interesting life.  In Millay, J. (Ed.), 2010.  Radiant Minds: Scientists Explore the Dimensions of Consciousness.  Doyle, CA: Millay.  Pp. 564-587.

Toward an evidence-based spirituality: Some glimpses of an evolving vision.  Subtle Energies,  20, No. 1,  7-38.

Letter-to-the-Editor Response to Michael Pott’s Review of “The End of Materialism”  Journal of Parapsychology, 74, No. 2, 403-405.

Letter-to-the-Editor, Making magic mundane.  Scientific American Mind, 22, No. 1, 6.

Grounding your Headaches.  Bridges (ISSSEEM), 20, No. 3, 10-13.



Extending our knowledge of consciousness.  Preface to Cardeña, E. & Winkelman, M. (Eds.).  Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Volume 1: History, Culture and the Humanities.  Santa Barbara CA: Praeger. Pp. ix-xx.

Charles Tart on Direct Observation.  Bridges, 21, No. 2, 11.

That word “meditation.”  Whatmeditationreallyis.com.  December 5, 2011.




Comments on Crabtree’s “Hypnosis Reconsidered, Resituated, and Redefined”  Journal of Scientific Exploration, 26, No. 2, 341-345.

Proceeding With Caution:  What Went Wrong? The Death and Rebirth of Essential Science.  Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 2012, 3, No. 1, 20-22.

Meditation, Monasticism, Buddhism, Materialism – Preliminary Thoughts.  January 28, 2012.  http://whatmeditationreallyis.com/index.php/lang-en/home-blog/item/320-meditation-monasticism-buddhism-materialism-preliminary-thoughts.html

An Expansion of Shinzen Young’s Law of Suffering to General Experience, and Particularly to Pain and the Borders of Sleep.  February 28, 2012.  http://whatmeditationreallyis.com/index.php/lang-en/home-blog/item/337-pain-suffering-experience-sleep-meditation-an-expansion-of-shinzen-youngs-law-of-suffering-to-general-experience-and-particularly-to-pain-and-the-borders-of-sleep.html

Letter-to-the-Editor.  Psychomanteum: A process, not a room arrangement.  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 2012, 76.1, No. 906, 58-59.

Letter-to-the-Editor.  We foresaw these letters.  Discover, March 2012, p 4.

Meditation: Prolonged Or Intermittent Or Mixed With The World?  http://whatmeditationreallyis.com/index.php/lang-en/home-blog/item/424-meditation-prolonged-or-intermittent-or-mixed-with-the-world?.html

Eyes wide open.  In Complete Wellbeing, 6, No 10, August 2012, 20-33.  Reprint of Chapter 1 of Living the Mindful Life, 1994, Boston, Shambhala.

Dealing With Pain And The Subversion Of Meditation.  http://whatmeditationreallyis.com/index.php/lang-en/home-blog/item/463-dealing-with-pain-and-the-subversion-of-meditation.html.  September 27, 2012.



The Parapsychological Side of My Career.  In R. Pilkington (Ed.), Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections.  Esprit, Volume 2.  San Antonio, Anomalist Books.  Pp.385-406.

Temporal width of the window of observation (TWWO): Aspects of Vipassana meditation considered from a systems approach.  (2013).  Journal of Holistic Psychology, Volume II: Eros, Body and Consciousness.  Pp. 97-111.



Introduction.  In Armstrong, J. and Armstrong, A.  Kundalini: The Gateway to Freedom: Meditation Exercises.  Privately published.  Pp. 1-3.

Introduction.  Deikman, A.  Meditations on a Blue Vase and the Foundations of Transpersonal Psychology.  Napa, CA: Fearless Books.  Pp. 1-7.



Investigating altered states of consciousness on their own terms:  A proposal for the creation of state-specific sciences.  In D. Eigner & J. Kremer (Eds.), Transformation of Consciousness:  Potentials for our Future.  Kathmandu.  Vajra Books, pp.  67-98.

Psychedelics on the path: Help or hindrance?  In Badiner, A. & Grey, A. (Eds.), Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics.  Second edition.  Santa Fe.  Synergetic Books.  Pp. 160-166.




Some reflections on parapsychology, stimulated by the publication of a new Handbook of ParapsychologyJournal of Scientific Exploration, 30, No. 1, 400-409.

Meditation: Some kind of (self-)hypnosis?  In A. Raz & M. Lifshitz (Eds), Hypnosis and Meditation: Towards an Integrative Science of Conscious Planes.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Pp. 143-170.



The Secret Science of the Soul: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together.  Napa, California: Fearless Books, 2017.  [Paperback version of The End of Materialism]

On the resurrection of trans-temporal inhibition.  Journal of Scientific Exploration, 31, No. 1, 29-48.

More corrections to Phenomena: A Brief History of the U.S. Government’s Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis.  Journal of Scientific Exploration, 31, 2, 312-315.