Filmore, Paul – Dr.

Dr. Paul Filmore PhD, MBA, MInstPhys, CPhys, FHEA, FRSA, lectures in personal & professional development, entrepreneurship, electronics and business management, predominantly to postgraduates at the University of Plymouth, after having been a research physicist for many years.
His current research is in creativity and break-through problem solving both for the individual and organisations. He gives talks around the world and is a regular judge for international innovation competitions. He also runs an educational consultancy. He always looks for opportunities to incorporate the spiritual aspect in his research talks, workshops and teaching.He has a very great interest in all areas of education and, with his wife Catherine, jointly ran the original Network student ‘Wider Horizons’ course, for many years. He has been active in the Network for over forty years, since meeting George Blaker and as an undergraduate, and attending the very first Wider Horizons course.
A few years later he became a trustee of the SMN at George Blaker’s request and became Chairman of the SMN in August 2015.
