Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM, has been searching over four decades for ever more ways to peel the onion of life’s resistances, to reach the gnowing that we are all cells in the body of the Infinite Source.
His principal work is through wholistic healing – addressing spirit, relationships, mind, emotions, and body. He teaches TWR/ WHEE, a potent self-healing method, for adults and children who are dealing with psychological and physical pain, stress, trauma, cravings, and other issues.
Dr. Benor founded The Doctor-Healer Networks in England and in North America. He authored Healing Research, Vol. 1–3 and many articles on wholistic healing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Healing and Caring (http://www. ijhc.org).
Dr. Benor appears internationally on radio and TV. He is a Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine; Founder and Past Coordinator for the Council for Healing (http:// councilforhealing.org); and has served for many years on the advisory boards of the journals Alternative Therapies, Subtle Energies, Explore; the Advisory Council of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy (ACEP), Canadian Association for Integrative Energy Therapies (CAIET), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and the Advisory Board of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine (UK). Dr. Benor teaches TWR/ WHEE in lectures, workshops and teleseminars.
See http://danielbenor.com; http://twrapp.com; http://www.ijhc.org