Consciousness was the original focus of psychological research and is once more a central topic of inquiry. The growth of interest and research over recent years has been explosive and to foster this development, a new Section of the British Psychological Society, the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology (CEP) Section was formed in 1997. Its purpose is to advance our understanding of consciousness, to bring scientific research on consciousness closer to other traditions of inquiry into the nature of mind and to explore how this research can be used to improve the quality of life. In the modern era, CEP was the first and is still the only subsection of a nationally representative body of professional psychologists devoted to the study of Consciousness. The Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section provides a forum to exchange ideas and promote research into all aspects of consciousness research and experiential psychology. Throughout the year we hold regular events and contact members with email updates and news. By becoming a member you will have full access to all the pages on our site; qualify for discounts when attending CEP events, receive a copy of our regular newsletter, Consciousness and Experience; and have the opportunity to meet other members and discuss topics relevant to this crucial area of psychology.
British Psychological Association – Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section